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Eggs baked on hash browns with caramelised bacon

Eggs baked on hash browns with caramelised bacon
    • Prep time:
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  • Serves: 4

These eggs baked on hash browns with caramelised bacon was described by Gordon Ramsay as an "all American superhero of a breakfast". It's fairly simple to make but can be a little time consuming compared to a basic breakfast.


  • 5-6 waxy potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1tsp Cayenne pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp Brown sugar
  • Veggie style Bacon
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper


If you want to try Eggs baked on hash browns with caramelised bacon for breakfast, follow the below stages.

Stage 1

Peel 5-6 medium sized potatoes and 1 big onion. Grate them and place into large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, add olive oil and cayenne pepper. Then, squeeze as much of the liquid out as you can. The more liquid you can remove, the crispier your hash browns will be.

The grated potato for the hash browns
The grated potato for the hash browns

Stage 2

Put a large frying pan on to the cooker and get it nice and hot. Add a generous amount of olive oil. Place your potato & onion mixture into the pan and pat it down. Make it nice and compact. Next, add small flecks of butter around the edge of the page.

Stage 3

Turn your hash browns over by taking a large plate, placing it on top of the pan and flipping over. Then, slide the semi-cooked hash browns back into the pan on their uncooked side.

The hash browns cooking in the frying pan

Stage 4

Crack 4 eggs on to the hash browns and place into a preheated oven for 6-8 minutes at 190°C/170°C fan.

Stage 5

While the hash browns are warming in the oven, cook some classic American bacon. Heat the frying pan, add some olive oil and a tablespoon of brown sugar. Next, add salt, pepper and butter. Once this has melted, place the bacon into the pan and cook until nicely coloured (normally around 5-6 mins). Note that I’m using a vegetarian bacon for this and have no idea about cooking normal bacon!

Stage 6

Finally, put your crispy hash browns onto a plate and carefully place the cooked bacon around the baked eggs. Now you know how to cook delicious eggs and bacon on top of hash browns.

The finished breakfast of eggs baked on hash browns with caramelised bacon. Sliced up and placed on a dinner plate.

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This recipe for Eggs baked on hash browns with caramelised bacon was inspired by a video Gordon Ramsay added to his YouTube page. In it, he describes this as an “all American superhero of a breakfast” featuring hash browns, eggs and bacon.